

A model with long, blonde hair wearing a straight style.
A model with long, blonde hair wearing a straight style.

Dyson Airstrait™ 二合一吹風直髮器

吹整自然直髮 以強勁氣流吹乾並拉直髮絲,高效打造光亮直髮造型。
A model with long, blonde hair wearing a straight style.
A model with long, blonde hair wearing a straight style.

Dyson Airwrap™ 多功能造型器

空氣微彎直髮 順滑帶空氣感的C字內彎造型。使用軟質順髮梳、圓頭豐髮梳及康達抗毛躁吹髮器。
A model with long, black hair, worn in a stretched bubble puff ponytail.
A model with long, black hair, worn in a stretched bubble puff ponytail.

Dyson Supersonic™ 吹風機

C字內彎長髮 使用二合一抗毛躁順髮吹嘴,從濕髮到乾髮吹出柔順內彎長髮造型。


*Dyson Corrale™ 直捲髮造型器為同時能塑造直髮及捲髮而設計。
¹ 於創造相同造型的情況下,透個測量頭髮強韌度以量度熱力傷害的程度。在彈性面板與傳統平面面板上進行測試。